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Reserach Projects

Research Projects

Author Program Type Research Topic Supervisors Status
Steven Karera Masters Social Ties and Public Health: Use of Social Network Analysis to Control the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Africa Dr. Eric Umuhoza Completed
Lorraine Muhimpundu Masters Prediction Of Hiv Infections Among Individuals With Sexual Risk Behaviours In Rwanda Using Machine Learning Algorithms Dr Pierre Claver Rutayisire Completed
Jesca Elisante Mwende Masters Machine Learning in Early Prediction of Personal Loan Defaulting on Commercial Bank in Tanzania(2009-2020). Dr. Daniel Ruturwa Completed
Absolom Muramira Masters A data–driven model to predict a household’s capacity to graduate: Case of USAID/Twiyubake Program Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza Completed
Celestin Hakizimana Masters Forecasting Inflation of Rwanda using Macroeconomics Variables (2006Q1-2019Q4) Dr. Richard Kabanda Completed
Carine Nishimwe Masters Analysis of Determinants of Neonatal Mortality in East Africa Dr. Joseph Nzabanita Completed
Angela D Kafuria Masters A predictive model for health insurance premium rates using machine learning algorithms: a case study of Tanzania Dr. Ignace H. KABANO Completed
Rozi Hieromini Mlay Masters Convolutional Neural Network For Potato Leaf Disease Detection Prof. Joseph Nzabanita Completed
Diane Uwizera Masters Anemia Prediction Among Rwandan Children Aged 6 To 59 Months Using Machine Learning Techniques Prof. Pierre Claver Rutayisire Completed
Diocles Nzigamasabo Masters Analysis Of Dynamic Relationship Between Taxes And Private Investment In Rwanda Prof. Charles Ruranga Completed
Costasie Uwimbabazi Masters Analysis On Gender Differences In Labor Market Outcomes In Rwanda Prof. Charles Ruranga Completed
Sandrine Uwamahoro Masters A predictive model of diarrhea disease in under five children: evidence from Rwanda Demographic Health Survey 2014-15 Dr. Ignace Kabano Completed
Sharon Jepkorir Sawe Masters Machine Learning Prediction Of Low Birth Weight In Kenya Using Maternal Risk Factors. Dr. Dieudonne Muhoza Completed
Auma Millicent Ochieng Masters Transfer Learning For Classification Of Bean Plant Leaf Diseases In Precision Agriculture Prof. Wei Wei Completed
Jarso Guyo Masters Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Fake News Detection Prof Wei Wei Completed
Tamanjong Mikwa Boris Masters Pre-Training Neural Netwroks On Xeno-Canto And Ebird For Bioacoustic Classification Models Dr Emmanuel Dufourq Completed
Aime Nshimiyimana Masters Acoustic Data Augmentation For Small Passive Acoustic Monitoring Datasets Dr. Emmanuel Dufourq Completed
Samuel Nahimana Masters Detection Of Pneumonia By Chest X-Ray Using Machine Learning Techniques Dr. Melanie Fernandez

Sunge Makawa Masters Classification Of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer Using Deep Neural Network Dr. Melanie Fernandez Completed
Use of Big Data For prediction of citizen satisfaction with households status in water sanitation and hygiene in Rwanda
Modelling Poverty of Smallholder Farmers using Machine Learning Models. Evidence from Tanzania.
Cyberattacks prediction and detection in web servers using machine learning techniques
A Robust, Real-time Continuous Blood glucose monitoring system for Diabetes patients by using a Deep learning method.
Predicting factors Associated with youth sexual behavior and Awareness of sexual transmitted infections in Rwanda
Estimating Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall of market returns using Machine Learning Algorithms
An Artificial Intelligent for Diabetes remote healthcare and analysis approach
Evaluation of time to termination of life insurance contracts with application to benefits calculations
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Growth and Domestic Investment of East African Countries
Spatial multilevel analysis of environmental impacts on health inequalities in Africa
The role of the high-growth firms in a nascent innovation system: Case of Rwanda
Financial Data Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques in Rwanda
Use of machine learning techniques to forecast the performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. The case of commercial banks listed in Rwanda Stock Exchange
Systemic risk analysis in Rwandan banking sector using Cluster and Network approaches
Application of Machine Learning Techniques to ANC Attendance, Maternal Morbidity and Fetal Outcomes in Uganda
The use of data Analytics technics to improve tax compliance in Rwanda; the case of Major Tax Types: VAT, CIT,PAYE
Tea Produce Forecasting and Anomaly Detection through Machine Learning Pipeline: Rwanda Tea Growers in Cooperatives