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Professionals Trained




ACE-DS offers certification programs for those who are aspiring to be Data scientists.

Big Data

Engineering Certifications

Big Data

Analytics Certifications

Big Data

Scientists Certifications

Associate Big Data Engineer(ABDE)


Senior Big Data Engineer(SBDE)


Associate Big Data Analyst(ABDA)


Senior Big Data Analyst(SBDA)


Senior Data Scientist(SDS)


Associate Big Data Engineer
Principal Data Scientist(PDS)


Associate Big Data Engineer

Millicent Ochieng's Experience at the ACE-DS

My name is Millicent Ochieng, and I am currently a Machine Learning Research Scientist at Microsoft, where my research focuses on advancing Generative AI for African LowResource Languages. Prior to my role at Microsoft, I was a Research Intern at Harvard, working on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision research.

My journey began with a first-class honors degree in BSc Applied Statistics with Computing from Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya, in 2018. Initially, I was uncertain about the direction to take with my degree in Mathematics. However, after receiving advice from my Dean at Moi University – Professor Ambrose Kiprop, I discovered the African Center of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS) at the University of Rwanda. This discovery marked a turning point in my career aspirations.In September 2019, I was awarded a scholarship from IUCEA, funded by the World Bank, which enabled me to join ACE-DS. This opportunity transformed my career trajectory. ACE-DS had a partnership with Harvard University, which provided me with a solid foundation in Machine Learning and AI.

During my time at ACE-DS, I focused on Computer Vision for my thesis, specifically on Transfer Learning for Precision Agriculture. My work was supervised by Professor Weiwei Pan from Harvard University and Melanie Fernandez, a Senior Researcher at Microsoft. The knowledge and skills I gained through this program were invaluable.Before graduating from the University of Rwanda, I secured a position at Microsoft as a Machine Learning Research Scientist, where I now work on generative AI research.

I extend my gratitude to the ACE-DS community, especially Dr. Charles Ruranga, Dr. Kabano Ignace, Dr. Charles Nzaramyimana, and all the lecturers. Their support was crucial to my success. Coming from Kenya, I felt welcomed and supported throughout my education in Rwanda.

 Joining ACE-DS was one of the best decisions for my career. The education, mentorship, and collaborative environment provided me with the expertise and confidence to excel in AI and machine learning. I highly recommend ACEDS to anyone looking to advance their skills and career in data science.


11 July

Elysee TUYISHIME's PhD Defense

14:30   -   3R2,UR-HQ
11 July

Belle Fille Murorunkwere'PhD Defense

14:30   -   ACE-DS BOARD ROOM
11 July
11 July

Francois Mbonyinshuti's PhD Defense

9:30   -   ACE-DS BOARD ROOM

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