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Four PhD candidates successfully defend their research theses

On 11th July 20024, four PhD candidates have successfully defended their PhD research theses.

They are Mr. Valence Ngabo Maniragaba who defended the thesis entitled ‘Analysis the Epidemiology of Undernutrition among the Under-Five Children in Uganda using Data Science Analytics’.

 Mr. Elysee Tuyishime researched on the ‘Discrete-Time Closed Capture-Recapture Models for Hard-To-Reach Population Size Estimation: Application to Key Population for HIV Prevention in Rwanda’.  


Mrs Belle Fille Murorunkwere defended ‘The use of Machine Learning Models to detect Tax Fraud in Rwanda’

Mr. Francois Mbonyinshuti’s research is entitled, ‘Predictive Analytics in Health Supply Chains: Machine Learning Approaches for Demand Prediction Medicine in Public Health Facilities’

These successful candidates are supposed to graduate in the upcoming UR graduation. This round makes a total of 13 PhD candidates who completed their PhD studies at African Centre of Excellence in Data Science.