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ACE-DS completes a three-days PhD Symposium

PhD students and their supervisors have conducted a two-day PhD symposium from 27th to 28th March 2024 in which they interacted and discussed their research projects.The symposium is organized in the effort to make sure there is a serious and tough supervision in order to get the best PhD students who will bring solutions to existing challenges that are pressing the country and the region.

 The symposium has the main objectives of building relationship between supervisors and their supervisees, understanding general rules and procedures of supervision at University of Rwanda, building strong coordination of the supervision team and exchange views on challenges faced by supervisors and supervisees.

In his remarks the Principal of College of Business and Economics, the host of the Centre, Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza said though the students have their targets the guidance from the supervisors is highly needed.

“A PhD journey  is full of challenges but these are the ones which shape you into a graduate we expect from you”.  I am expecting that in our next graduation we will get a good number of graduates”, he noted.He commended superviors who are always following up the progress of these students to ensure they come up with a research which addresses community challenges.During this symposium, students have got chances to interact face to face with their supervisors and deeply exchange on their projects. Some have presented their proposals, other presented their progress for comments and guidance.

So far 5 PhD students have graduated and there is a hope that more will graduate this year.

During this symposium, students assess themselves with their supervisors and get advice and guidance to improve their performance.

The PhD symposium is organized every six months.