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Journal Publications
- Maniriho, A., Musabanganji, E., Nkikabahizi, F., Ruranga, C.,and Lebailly, P. (2021). Analysis of the Determinants of Household Expenditures in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences 5(1): 8-17, June 2021.DOI:
- Mutai, C.K., McSharry, P.E., Ngaruye, I. et al. Use of machine learning techniques to identify HIV predictors for screening in subSaharan Africa. BMC Med Res Methodol 21, 159 (2021).
- Nzasingizimana,Tharcisse; Ocaya,Bruno; Musabanganji, Edouard; and Ndengo, Marcel; “Determinants of Deposit and Lending Interest Rates in Rwanda: Econometric Approach”, IJSR, Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
- Ndagijimana, J., Nzasingizimana, T., & Heshmati, A. (2018, September 13). An Analysis of the Determinants of Youth Employment in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 1-10
- Dukunde A, Ntaganda JM, Kasozi J, Nzabanita J. Prediction of prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Rwanda using the metropolis-hasting sampling. Afri Health Sci. 2021;21(2). 702-709.
- Dukunde A, Ntaganda JM, Kasozi J, Nzabanita J. Prediction of prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Rwanda using the metropolis-hasting sampling. Afri Health Sci. 2021;21(2). 702-709.
- Semakula M, Niragire F, Faes C (2020) Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of malaria risk in Rwanda. PLOS ONE 15(9): e0238504.
- Semakula M, Niragire F, Umutoni A, et alThe secondary transmission pattern of COVID-19 based on contact tracing in RwandaBMJ Global Health 2021;6:e004885
- Nsanzimana S, Semakula M, Ndahindwa V, Remera E, Sebuhoro D, Uwizihiwe JP, Ford N, Tanner M, Kanters S, Mills EJ, Bucher HC. Retention in care and virological failure among adult HIV+ patients on second-line ART in Rwanda: a national representative study. BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 5;19(1):312. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-3934-2. PMID: 30953449; PMCID: PMC6451213
- Mutesa L, Ndishimye P, Butera Y, Souopgui J, Uwineza A, Rutayisire R, Ndoricimpaye EL, Musoni E, Rujeni N, Nyatanyi T, Ntagwabira E, Semakula M, Musanabaganwa C, Nyamwasa D, Ndashimye M, Ujeneza E, Mwikarago IE, Muvunyi CM, Mazarati JB, Nsanzimana S, Turok N, Ndifon W. A pooled testing strategy for identifying SARS-CoV-2 at low prevalence. Nature. 2021 Jan;589(7841):276-280. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2885-5. Epub 2020 Oct 21. Erratum in: Nature. 2021 Jul;595(7865):E3. PMID: 33086375
- Ruranga, C.andHacker, S. (2020). The Determinants of Households Having Savings Accounts in Rwanda.Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (ISSN 2708-759X (Print); ISSN 2708-7603(Online), 1 (1): 6-19, July 2020
- Habimana, D., Haughton, J., Nkurunziza, J., & Haughton, D. M.-A. (2021). Measuring the impact of unconditional cash transfers on consumption and poverty in Rwanda. World Development Perspectives, 23, 100341
- Habimana, D., (2021). The effects of Public Works Program on Poverty and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Rural Rwanda (Abstract). Conference proceeding of the 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 (forthcoming).
- Habimana, D., (2021). Impact of microcredit program on poverty and employment in Rwanda (Abstract). Book of Abstracts of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic
- Muremyi, R., Haughton, D., Kabano, I., & Niragire, F. (2020). Prediction of out-of-pocket health expenditures in Rwanda using machine learning techniques. The Pan African Medical Journal, 37.
- Muremyi, R., Dominique, H., Niragire, F., Ignace, K., & Abayisenga, S. (2021). Analysis of the effect of health insurance on health care utilization in Rwanda: a secondary data analysis of Rwanda integrated living condition survey 2016-2017 (EICV 5). PAMJ-One Health, 4(10)
- Batamuliza, J., & Hanyurwimfura, D. (2021). Identity based encryption with equality test. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 30(2), 111-124
- Batamuliza, J., & Hanyurwimfura, D. (2021). Identity based encryption with equality test. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 30(2), 111-124
- Maniraguha, F. (2020). Does Formalization of Informal Enterprises Matter? Evidence from Rwanda. Randwick International of Social Science Journal, 1(3), 419-432
- Musabanganji, E., Ruranga, C., and Maniriho, A. (2019). Migration decisions among rural households in Rwanda: what does the push-and-pull model reveal? AGROFOR International Journal, 4(3): 68-75
- Musabanganji, E., Ruranga, C., Nzabanita, J., Nkikabahizi, F., Ndizeye, I., and Lebailly, P. (2019). Productivity and Competitiveness of Rwandan Agriculture: A Case Study of the Maize sector. AGROFOR International Journal, 4(1): 32-40
- Takele, K., Zewotir, T., & Ndanguza, D. (2019). Risk factors of morbidity among children under age five in Ethiopia. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-9
- Takele, K., Zewotir, T., & Ndanguza, D. (2019). Understanding correlates of child stunting in Ethiopia using generalized linear mixed models. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1-8
- Ruranga, C.; Mugenzi, M. and Mutabazi, A. (2018). Spatial price transmission analysis in beans and rice markets of Rwanda. Rwanda Handbook of Economic and Social Policy,Chapter 13, Vol. 1, Pages 397- 419, ISSN 1403-0462,
ISBN 978-91-86345-78-5, Jönköping International Business School, January 2018.
- Takele, K., Zewotir, T., & Ndanguza, D. (2020). Spatial Joint Modelling of Children Under-Five Malnutrition in Ethiopia. J Hum Ecol, 70(1-3), 132-142
- Takele, K., Zewotir, T., & NDANGUZA, D. (2020). Quantile Regression for Identifying the Determinants of Child Malnutrition. African Journal of Applied Statistics, 7(1), 755-779
- Takele, K., Zewotir, T., & Ndanguza, D. (2020). Examining the spatial variations of co-morbidity among young children in Ethiopia. BMC pediatrics, 20(1), 1-10
- Mugenzi, P., Rusuhuzwa, T. K., & Uwimana, A. (2021). Finding the Network Structure of Rwandan Interbank Market. International Journal of Financial Research, 12(3), 435-445
- Ndagijimana, J., Nzasingizimana, T., & Heshmati, A. (2018). An Analysis of the Determinants of Youth Employment in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 1-10
- J. Batamuliza and D. Hanyurwimfura, "A secure and efficient anonymous certificateless signcryption for Key Distribution Scheme for Smart Grid," 2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ACIT50332.2020.9300057
- D. Uwizera and P. McSharry, "Forecasting and monitoring maize production using satellite imagery in Rwanda," 2017 IEEE Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR), 2017, pp. 51-56, doi: 10.1109/TIAR.2017.8273685
- Nelson Yego, Juma Kasozi, Joseph Nkrunziza(2021). A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Insurance Uptake in Kenya. Preprints:
- Kasahun Takele, Temesgen Zewotir, Denis Ndanguza(2020).Examining the spatial variations of co-morbidity among young children in Ethiopia. BMC pediatrics:
- Kasahun Takele, Temesgen Zewotir, Denis Ndanguza(2020).Quantile Regression for Identifying the Determinants of Child Malnutrition. African Journal of Applied Statistics: Afr. J. Appl. Stat. 7(1): 755-779 (January 2020). DOI: 10.16929/ajas/2020.755.241
- Kasahun Takele, Temesgen Zewotir, Denis Ndanguza(2020.Spatial Joint Modelling of Children Under-Five Malnutrition in Ethiopia: J Hum Ecol: 755-779 (January 2020). DOI: 10.16929/ajas/2020.755.241
- Kasahun Takele, Temesgen Zewotir, Denis Ndanguza(2019).Understanding correlates of child stunting in Ethiopia using generalized linear mixed models. BMC Public Health:
- Kasahun Takele, Temesgen Zewotir, Denis Ndanguza(2019).Risk factors of morbidity among children under age five in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health:
- L.H. Kaack, J. Apt, M.G. Morgan, P.E. McSharry (2017). Empirical prediction intervals improve energy forecasting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 114 (33): 8752–8757. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1619938114.
- Innocent Ngaruye, Joseph Nzabanita, Dietrich von Rosen & Martin Singull. (2017). Small area estimation under a multivariate linear model for repeated measures data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.
- S. Brown, P.E. McSharry (2016). Improving accuracy and usability of growth charts: Case study of Rwanda. British Medical Journal Online 6: e009046.
- C. Njuguna, P.E. McSharry (2016). Constructing spatiotemporal poverty indices from big data. Journal of Business Research 70: 318-327.
- R. Löwe, H. Madsen, P.E. McSharry (2016). Objective Classification of rainfall for online operation of urban water systems based on Gaussian-inspired techniques. Water 8(3): 87.
- H. Oliver, P.E. McSharry (2016). A design proto pattern for continuously evaluated forecasting in IBM InfoSphere Streams. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience. DOI:10.1002/spe.2316.
- Ngabo, D., Dong, W., Ibeke, E., Iwendi, C. and Masabo, E., 2021. Tackling pandemics in smart cities using machine learning architecture. Mathematical biosciences and engineering, 18(6)
- Muremyi, R. 1, Haughton, D.2, Niragire, F.3, and Kabano, I . A systematic review of the factors influencing out of-pocket healthcare spending in low and middle income countries, in the proceedings of The Sustainable Education and Development Research Conference, 2022. To appear
- Nishimwe, A., Ruranga, C., Musanabaganwa, C., Mugeni, R., Semakula, M., Nzabanita, J., Kabano, I., Uwimana, A., Utumatwishima. J. N., Kabakambira, J. D., Uwineza, A., Halvorsen, L., Descamps, F., Houghtaling, J., Burke, B., Bahati, O., Bizimana, C., Jansen, S., Twizere, C., Nkurikiyeyezu, K., Birungi, F., Nsanzimana, S. and Twagirumukiza, M. (2022). Leveraging artificial intelligence and data science techniques in harmonizing, sharing, accessing and analyzing SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 data in Rwanda (LAISDAR Project): study design and rationale. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 22, 214 (2022)
- D. K. Uwizera, C. Ruranga and P. McSharry, "Classifying Economic Areas for Urban Planning using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery in East Africa," in SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 113, no. 4, pp. 138-151, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.23919/SAIEE.2022.9945864.
- D. K. Uwizera, C. Ruranga and P. McSharry, "Deep Learning Inter-city Road Conditions in East Africa Focusing on Rwanda for Infrastructure Prioritization using Satellite Imagery and Mobile Data," in SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 14-24, March 2023, doi: 10.23919/SAIEE.2023.9962789

Conference Proceedings
- D. Uwizera & P.E. McSharry (2017). Forecasting and monitoring maize production using satellite imagery in Rwanda. IEEE Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development, 7-8 Apr, Chennai, India. ISBN:978-1-5090-4437-5.
- L.H. Kaack, J. Apt, M.G. Morgan, P.E. McSharry (2016). The applicability of empirical prediction intervals to energy forecasting. Energy: Expectations and Uncertainty, 39th IAEE International Conference, Jun 19-22, 2016.
- D. Habamwabo & P.E. McSharry (2016). Healthcare Monitoring based on Digital
- Transactions at Pharmacies: Malaria in Kigali. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 15-18 Dec, Shenzhen, China. ISBN 978-1-5090-1612-9.
Book chapters
- C. Njuguna & P.E. McSharry (2017). Predicting socioeconomic status using big data.In Big data and human development: improved processes or a deeper digital divide?. Editors: M. Graham, S. Ojanpera, E. Lopez. Wiley, London, UK.
- J. W. Taylor and P. E. McSharry (2017). Univariate methods for short-term load forecasting. In Advances in electric power and energy: power systems engineering, Editor M. El-Hawary, IEEE Press/Wiley.
- P.E. McSharry (2017). Parsimonious risk assessment and the role of transparent diverse models. In “Risk Modeling for Hazards and Disasters”. Editor: G. Michel, Elsevier, London, UK. ISBN: 9780128040713.